For PCer’s around the world, this was the first manageable OS that people, over the age of thirty, first used. This one did it all, and from the command prompt. No graphics, no mouse, and no desktops.
I kind of miss that world. But not by much.
While it is convenient to use the mouse to move files from one folder to another and quickly traverse the jungles that is Windows. It was nice to have the satisfaction of simply telling the computer what to do from the keyboard.
Even with the ease of Windows today, I still find myself using keyboard commands to manipulate windows and the command prompt to search for files. The days of simplicity are gone, however the legacy that it gave to my generation of programmers still lives on.
Will it ever die one day? Perhaps, once we do away with the keyboard and the mouse and have the ability to tap directly into the computer Matrix Style. However until that day arrives, I will still enjoy what little of the keyboard functionality I still have on my computer.